Our book “The Aging Body in Dance: A cross-cultural perspective” is finally published. I deeply appreciate all the support and encouragement I have received from the people around the world for this publication.
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ラウトリッジ出版社から『英語版 ダンスにおける老いの身体』が出版されました。ベルリンで開催した同タイトルのシンポジウムから、足掛け5年の結願です。これまでこの書籍の出版のためにご協力下さった全ての方に、心からの御礼を申し上げます。
I am co-editing the Performance Research Volume 23, Issue 7 – On Ageing (& Beyond). Inspiring proposals and paper submissions on the topic of ageing are highly welcome! The abstract due is January 14, 2018.
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ラウトリッジ社の舞台芸術誌『パフォーマンス・リサーチ』で来年「老い」の特集を組み、Richard Gough氏とともに編集を担当します。そこで「老い」を巡る(もしくはそれを乗り越える)ダンス、パフォーマンス、演劇、アート全般についての論文、クリエイティブなエッセイ、掲載作品を募集しています!(プロポーザル締切は2018年1月14日)。
I am happy to announce that I received a special commendation (as a runner-up) of the 2017 Elliott Hayes Award from the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA).
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2016年ビーレフェルト美術館で開催されたアーティスト・アノーニさんキュレーションによる美術展Anohni – My Truth. James Elaine. Peter Hujar. Kazuo Ohnoの展覧会カタログが、とうとう出来上がりました!本当に素敵な仕上がりになっています。
An exhibition catalogue of “Anohni – My Truth. James Elaine. Peter Hujar. Kazuo Ohno” at Kunsthalle Bielefeld just came out! (Hrsg. von Friedrich Meschede. Bielefeld 2017. Texte von Anohni, Friedrich Meschede, Nanako Nakajima & Meta Marina Beeck. Koenig Books, London.) This is one of the most delicate and beautiful catalogues to me!
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I am teaching “critical dance dramaturgy” in the summer semester 2017 at the Institut of Theater studies of the Free University Berlin. Come and Join us!
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We proudly present the Japan premier of “Feelings Are Facts: The Life of Yvonne Rainer”(Directed by Jack Walsh, 2015) on March 4, 2007 at the Cinema Hall, Kyoto University of Art and Design. This screening will be followed by an open discussion with three panelists, a visual artist and art critic Kenjiro Okazaki, a dance critic and historian Naoko Kogo, and me, for our further exploration, aiming for our reconstruction of Rainer’s early pieces in Kyoto this fall/winter 2017.
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I am in charge of curatorial direction for dance video section (Focus Europe) for the Yebisu International Festival for Art and Alternative Visions 2017 (February 10-26) at Tokyo Photographic Art Museum. Under the theme “Dancing Multiple Futures” I have combined a screening program together with a 3D installation by OpenEndedGroup & Bill T. JONES at the gallery.
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