Selected Lectures and Conference Presentations
- ダンス・ドラマトゥルギー連続ディスカッション「ピチェ・クランチェンと3人のドラマトゥルク」企画・登壇、横浜国際舞台芸術ミーティング2021(YPAM2021)、2021年12月3日。Series of dance dramaturgy sessions “Pichet Klunchun and Three Dramaturgs”. at Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting 2021 (YPAM2021), December 3, 2021. プログラム詳細 / The Program Descriptions: http://www.nanakonakajima.com/?page_id=1838
- スペシャルトーク&パフォーマンス「能からTrio A」(レクチャー:中島那奈子、パフォーマンス:高林白牛口二(喜多流能楽師)寺田みさこ(コンテンポラリーダンス)@名古屋能楽堂、2021年11月17日。フェスティバル「ストリーミング・ヘリテージ」プログラム。Special Lecture Performance “Noh to Trio A” at the Nagoya Noh Theater in the art festival program “Streaming Heritage.”
- オーストラリアダンスシアター主催のオンラインダンスドラマトゥルギーセッション, パネル登壇。Online Dance Dramaturgy Session:”What Matters Most: Dance and Dramaturgy in Turbulent Times Part 3” Dr. Nanako Nakajima (Japan) and Dr. Ong Keng Sen (Singapore) spoke about the Dance Archive Box Project. Link to the program.
- Online panel discussion on “ageless dance” by the Alkantara festival in Lisbon, Portugal. URL: https://alkantara.pt/en/festival/ ポルトガルのアルカンタラダンスフェティバル主催のシンポジウム「エイジレスダンス」パネル。“Becoming Aware of Other Bodies” Simposium, November 18, 2021.
- レクチャー「老いのダンスドラマトゥルギーを呼び起こす」Invited lecture “Waking up the Dance Dramaturgy of Aging” This is a part of the program “tempus fugit” organized by DnKspace, L’Institut français de Bulgarie and Goethe-institut Bulgaria, 2021. Link to Archives.
- Invited Lecture “Embracing the Aging Body in Dance,” Symposia »Time Shifts – Age(ing) and Society«/Zeitverschiebungen Das Alter(n) und die Gesellschaft, Aug 21, 2021 Palais Wittgenstein, Düsseldorf, Germany. Link to Archives.
- “Lecture on Dance,” Performing Arts Academy, Rohm Theater Kyoto, July 25, 2021. 「体の広がり ダンスの広がり」劇場の学校レクチャー、ロームシアター京都
- Panel Presentation, “On ‘inter/intra’,” Online ADN discussion, Asian Dramaturg’s Network, Jul 28, 2021.
- Nanako Nakajima, ‘The Dance Dramaturgy of Aging in the Time of Pandemics,” The 4th International Society of Culture & Arts and 12th Korea Dance Research Society Joint International Academic Conference, Dec 18, 2020.
- Panel Presentation, “Moving between Contexts: Dramaturgical Concerns in Aging Revolutionary Dancers in China,” What Matters Most: Dance and Dramaturgy in Turbulent Times, presented by Australian Dance Theatre (ADT) under the auspices of its International Centre for Choreography, Dec 2, 2020. Link
- Panelist, Post-Exchange-Discussion in Karakoa’s Creators Cradle Circuit, Online, Aug 2, 2020.
- “Lecture on Dance,” Performing Arts Academy, Rohm Theater Kyoto, July 26, 2020. 「これもダンス、あれもダンス?―ダンスする身体をめぐって―」劇場の学校 オープンクラスレクチャー、ロームシアター京都
- Nanako Nakajima, “Dance Archive Box” (Japanese), Online Research Conference, Japanese Society for Theatre Research, Nov 15, 2020「アーカイブボックスの行方」
- Nanako Nakajima in Conversation with Kitamari (Contemporary Choreographer, Dancer) on Dojoji of the Kabuki Dance (Japanese), Kyoto Art Theater Shunjuza, 2019.『娘道成寺』対談 きたまり(振付家・ダンサー)× 中島那奈子(ダンス研究・ダンスドラマトゥルク)Online.
- WAKING UP THE AGING BODIES IN DANCE – TANZTHEATER „WHEN MY CUE COMES, CALL ME, AND I WILL ANSWER,“ PRESENTATION OF TANZTHEATER WITH LECTURE AND DISCUSSION, 11. October 2019. Moderation: Wang Mengfan (Theater Director, Choreographer), Speakers: Nanako Nakajima (Dance Dramaturg, Dance Researcher, Valeska-Gert-Visiting Professor of the Free University Berlin), Kai Tuchmann (Theater Maker), Goethe-Institut China. Online.
- “Design of Dancing Bodies: 100 Years of Post-Bauhaus in Dance Research (Japanese),” lecture at the colloquium organized by the Humboldt Association of West-Japan, Kyoto Institute of Technology, 24 Feb 2019.
- NANAKO NAKAJIMA IN CONVERSATION WITH YVONNE RAINER, “No(h) to Trio A: Dance Dramaturgy of Aging in a Performative Exhibition of Yvonne Rainer’s Work,” Lecture and Conversation with Yvonne Rainer [Invited], New York University Gallatin School, 28 Jan 2019. Online.
- “Disassembling the Dancing Subject for the Good of Cleaning,” International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT/IFTR), World Congress 2018, Theatre, nation and identity: between Migration and Stasis, General Session, University of Arts, Belgrade, 11 Jul 2018.
- 「Noh to Trio A –イヴォンヌ・レイナーと⽼いのダンスドラマトゥルギー」(“No(h) to Trio A: Yvonne Rainer and Dance Dramaturgy of Aging” in Japanese), Japanese Society for Dance Research, Tenri University, 9 Jun 2018.
- Symposium Discussion “Exhibition of/as Performance” at the 12th Annual Conference (Japanese), organized by the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation, at Arts Maebashi, July 1, 2017.
- “Die Tanzszene in Japan und Deutschland” and Moderation des Japanisch-deutschen Symposiums “Der zeitgenössische Tanzbegriff” mit Leibniz lecture by Prof. Gabriele Brandstetter, Goethe-Institut Tokyo, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), 11 November 2016.
- “Kazuo Ohno and Anohni: from without & within”, Lecture at the Opening Symposium, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany: Anohni Symposium zur Ausstellung, 23 July, 2016.
- Presentations on dance dramaturgy, “Mapping Out, In & About,” the inaugural symposium of the Asian Dramaturgs’ Network (ADN), Singapore, 23 and 24 April, 2016.
- “The Archiving Body in Dance: On Dance Archive Boxes”, O.P.E.N. Festival the Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA), 30 June, 2015.
- “Performative Acts of Age in Genders: Raimund Hoghe’s An Evening with Judy,” The International Federation for Theatre Research, University of Warwick, 29 Jul 2014.
- „ÜBER-KREUZEN. Fortbewegung und Tanzen in Japan“ , Gesprächspartner: PD Dr. Kai van Eikels, Ballett-Universität, Staatsballett Berlin, 3 Jul 2014.
- “Dance After the Great East Japan Earthquake”, Special Lecture organized by the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Kyoritsu Women’s University, 15 Jun 2014.
- “Oi to Odori” (Opening of The Aging Body in Dance), Concept and Organization with Prof. Kikuko Toyama, International Symposium at the Goethe Institut-Tokyo, The Aging Body in Dance Committee, 23-24 May 2014.
- “Our Posthuman Aging? Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution in Dance,” 19th International Congress of Aesthetics, Polish Society of Aesthetics, International Association for Aesthetics, 24 Jul 2013.
- “Aging Infantilism: De-othering the Children in Dance through the Comparison of Euro-American and Japanese Cultures,” Performance Studies International Conference 19 (PSi), Stanford University, 28 Jun 2013.
- “Aging Body in Dance: The Cultural Politics of Age in Euro-American and Japanese Dance”, TANZKONGRESS 2013 IN DÜSSELDORF (Dance Congress), 7 Jun 2013.
- “The Aging Body in Dance,” Concept and Organization with Prof. Gabriele Brandstetter, International Symposium at the Uferstudio Berlin, 28-30 May 2012.
- 「歳をとれば また踊りたく なるかしら」(Ob ich wieder tanze, wenn ich alt werde?”) Lecture and talk with a dance critic Daisuke Muto at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, May 21, 2010. (中島那奈子氏講演会). Online.
- “Jérôme Bel and Myself”: Interkulturelle Aspekte des zeitgenoessischen europaeischen und japanischen Tanzes (German) Deutsch-Japanisch-Koreanische Stipendiatenseminar, JAPANISCH-DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM BERLIN in Zusammenarbeit mit dem DEUTSCHER AKADEMISCHER AUSTAUSCHDIENST, Germany, July 10-11, 2008.