Thanks for a successful Dance Archive Boxes @TPAM2016!
TPAM2016 国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜において、主催プログラムであるTPAMディレクションのディレクターとして、セゾン文化財団とシンガポール国際芸術祭からの継続プログラム、ダンスアーカイブボックス@TPAM2016のキュレーションを、連日満員となる中無事執り行いました!
As a director of the TPAM Direction at the Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama 2016, I conducted the program and curatorial direction of the Dance Archive Boxes@TPAM2016, which was a continuous project from the Saison Foundation and the Singapore International Festival of Arts and this time finished with all days-sold out!
This is the link to my curatorial policy of this dance archive box program at TPAM: Curatorial Policy of the Dance Archive Boxes@TPAM2016
Dear Participants of the Dance Archive Boxes@TPAM2016,
I am pleased to say thank you to each of you who have attended this program and thanks to our participants, guests and guest speakers. I appreciate you for taking the time and effort to be here (TPAM in Yokohama). I also thank you for your participation and the sharing of your ideas and performance. I certainly hope that the program has been all that you expected it to be and that you have taken the opportunity to make new friends, renew old acquaintances, and to have discussion and exchange of many experiences, suggestions and opinions with artists, presenters, researchers, and critics from all over the world.
As we conclude the program, I hope each of us will help spread the knowledge related to Dance Archive Boxes@TPAM2016 you acquired/shared during the program to the benefit and promotion of Dance and Performing Arts.
Yours sincerely,
Nanako Nakajima