〈老い〉を巡るダンスドラマトゥルギー オンライン公開研究会

多様な身体を持つパフォーマーと作品を作り、前作では子供達とのダンス作品を発表し、2019-2020年に、ワン氏は中国国立バレエ団の引退したバレエダンサー二人との作品When my cue comes, call me, and I will answerを創作しました。公開研究会では、ワン氏を招いてこの創作過程とドラマトゥルクとの協働についてお話を伺います。


Online Research Meeting: “The Dance Dramaturgy of Aging”

This research project explores the dance dramaturgy of aging for the future performance making. What it means to be aging in dance was a taboo subject in ballet contexts, while, in some Asian contexts, professional dancers continue dancing until their high age. Influenced by these dancers, one sees the trend in contemporary dance to highlight longer career of dancers.

Director and choreographer in Beijing, Mengfan Wang has worked with diverse bodies of performers. During 2019-2020, Wang has worked with two retired ballet-trained dancers from National Ballet of China in “When my cue comes, call me, and I will answer.” For this meeting, we welcome Wang to talk about this dramaturgy.

For more information, please read this page!